I believe loving your work is a Right and not a Privilege!
“I despise the fact, I lament the fact, I curse the fact that so few people get to say “I love my Job” as if they’ve won some lottery.
You know, you go out with your friends and somebody says “I love my Job” and everybody goes “Oh my god, you’re so lucky”, right?
That to me is madness.
Everybody, the vast majority should get to wake up and say “I love my Job”.
It is a right, it is a god-given right that we should love where we work and we should demand it, we should demand that our leaders provide an environment in which we want to come, where we want to care about each other, where we feel safe to express our vulnerabilities and our fears and our concerns, that we’re open to correction and discipline and feedback, that we’re not defensive because we know that it’s being given to help us improve and grow and we want to improve and grow and in turn we will help others improve and grow.
Because when we feel safe, when we feel that our #Leaders care more about us than a number, they care more about our lives and our confidence and our joy and our skill set more than some short-term gain, that they care more about our priorities than the priorities of some disinterested external constituency.
Then we will respond in kind and we will offer our blood and our sweat and our tears and we will make sacrifices of all kinds to see that our leader’s vision is advanced and that this company continues to thrive – not for them, for ourselves.
It becomes deeply personal, it becomes something we love contributing to.
I talk about it all the time:
Working hard for something we don’t care about – is called Stress.
Working hard for something we love is called Passion! “
Watch Simon Sinek’s video on YouTube or follow me on LinkedIn – it’s worth the time.