Why do we celebrate the wrong leaders? | Martin Gutmann

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Amundsen vs. Shackleton or why boring management matters?

“I would like to invite you on a little thought experiment.
Let’s pretend that we’re going on a polar expedition together – all of you and me.
And we need to hire a captain. And we have two resumés in front of us.

One comes from a man, who has already successfully achieved all four (4) of the major polar goals – the North Pole, and the South Pole, and the Northeast, and the Northwest Passage.
In fact, three of these he was the first person to accomplish – let’s call him Candidate A.

Candidate B is a man, who set off for the Antarctic four (4) times – three times as the man in charge and every time resulted in failure, catastrophe or death !?

Who should we hire?

Why most companies or managers tend to hire Candidate B and why boring management matters?

Well, watch the complete video – it’s worth the time – I do promise!

Momchil Binev

W.O.W., you're really reading this info?! It means you've found my personal blog for a reason and I do appreciate & like it. Well, I'm not selling anything nor I'm trying to convince or influence anyone about anything. I'm just sharing any experiences I'm making along the way - mainly for fun & because I'm so generous (fun). Check out my "About Me" for more "enlightenment" & stay curious. Cheers, Momchil